The first Prix Cube was awarded to Matthijs Munnik (Netherlands) for his work Microscopic Opera, an opera played in real time by micro-organisms. This work questioned our relationship with living things in the face of technological developments while also inviting viewers to thoughtfully reflect and listen.

Interview with Nonotak
/in Actu, interviews /by aurelieInterview with Lia Giraud et Alexis de Raphélis
/in Actu, interviews /by aurelieInterview with Stefan Tiefengraber
/in Actu, interviews /by aurelieInterview ::vtol:: Winner of the 2014 Prix Cube
/in Actu, interviews /by aurelieTrailer Prix Cube 2014 !
/in Actu, vidéo /by aureliePrix Cube 2013 : exhibition
/in photo /by fraktalePrix Cube 2013 exhibition opening
/in photo /by fraktaleMatthijs Munnik (Netherlands): winner of the Prix Cube 2013
/in photo, Presse /by fraktaleThe first Prix Cube was awarded to Matthijs Munnik (Netherlands) for his work Microscopic Opera, an opera played in real time by micro-organisms. This work questioned our relationship with living things in the face of technological developments while also inviting viewers to thoughtfully reflect and listen.
Teaser du Prix Cube 2013
/in vidéo /by fraktale